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COLUMNS: This idea might get some rancher’s goat: multispecies grazing

The origins of the phrase “getting someone’s goat” is uncertain.

COLUMNS: Supporting small business

Here in the Cariboo, many of our rural communities have been built upon thriving resource sector economies.

COLUMNS: ‘Alternative facts’

Given the growing number of sports stars we have it makes sense for city council to develop a policy to support players.

COLUMNS: Too early to criticize a Trump presidency

I am going to suggest to Darrick Boyes they have the annual winter carnival a week earlier next year or perhaps even two weeks.

COLUMNS: Looking back and looking ahead

As we have just passed the halfway mark in this four-year term, I have taken time to reflect on the last year.
BC VIEWS: Flu fallacies are costing us all

BC VIEWS: Flu fallacies are costing us all

People going to emergency rooms and doctors' offices to demand influenza treatment are making matters worse
BC VIEWS: Fake news is all around us

BC VIEWS: Fake news is all around us

Jane Fonda's tour of Fort McMurray, latest well-publicized Gitxsan dissident lawsuit the latest examples of our fake news
BC VIEWS: Vancouver’s ice follies entertain us

BC VIEWS: Vancouver’s ice follies entertain us

Winter of ice and salt shortage takes Vancouver by storm, sparks debate about personal responsibility for snow clearing
BC VIEWS: Here’s to a year of working forests

BC VIEWS: Here’s to a year of working forests

2017 looks like a tough year for the B.C. forest industry, but at least the environmental attacks are waning
BC VIEWS: Horgan faces big test in 2017

BC VIEWS: Horgan faces big test in 2017

Tom Fletcher's year-end interview with NDP leader John Horgan, on MSP premiums, the housing market and $10-a-day child care