Dear Readers,
As I do most mornings, I went for a walk for exercise and fresh air. The sun was out. We put our boots on and started out. It was fine down our lane and across the road.
But then we crossed a cleared but quite slopped parking lot. I slipped and fell where the snow was on ice underneath- twice. We headed back.
I slipped again. No injury, thank goodness.
Arriving back home, we put our ice grips over our boots and headed out again. This time, we did a loop in our neighbourhood. At least we have should have cleared sidewalks. Unfortunately, not one was, in fact, cleared. It is again time to remind all citizens of Williams Lake to please clear your sidewalks.
Please clear both the snow and if there is ice, put some sand or other grit on it. Please do it for those people who have no access to a vehicle. Please do it for neighbours who are walking to the bus stop.
Please do it for our children who walk to the bus or directly to their school. And please do it for people who just want some exercise and fresh air.
The city of Williams Lake’s Good Neighbour Bylaw states in section 7.10.3: "Every owner or occupier of any building or premises, including any vacant lot, within the city, shall clear the sidewalk of snow and ice adjacent to the property within 24 hours following a snow event."
The snow didn’t fall last night. It snowed more that 24 hours ago. Until last winter, this bylaw was not enforced unless someone complained.
I don’t like to complain to half the neighbours on my street. So, I am glad the city of Williams Lake started enforcing the bylaw last year.
We are our neighbour’s keeper. Let us keep our sidewalks clear and ice free. It is the right thing to do.
Bert Groenenberg
Williams Lake
Bert Groenenberg is a pedestrian, cyclist and motorist.